The Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating the alcohol, gaming, horse racing and private cannabis retail sectors in Ontario, in accordance with the principles of honesty and integrity, and in the public interest.
As a part-time Member of the Horse Racing Appeal Panel you will be responsible for adjudicating appeals of Rules of Racing violations under the authority of the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015.
A competency-based appointments process will be employed to ensure integrity, fairness and impartiality. All appointments will be made through a competitive, merit-based process, with criteria for appointments that include:
1. Experience, knowledge or training in Ontario’s horse racing industry.
2. Aptitude for impartial adjudication.
3. Aptitude for applying alternative adjudicative practices and procedures that may be set out in the tribunal’s rules.
Applicants should exhibit superior judgment and understanding of the impact of the matters before them and their appeal decisions on the integrity of the sport and its participants generally. Cases often have a technical scientific focus involving banned or performance enhancing substances making an understanding of these topics a definite asset.
Applicants with pharmacological, medical, veterinarian, or general scientific knowledge would be a definite asset. Abackground in general governance, law or sports officiating is desirable as well.
Applicants should also be computer literate, in particular with respect to the use of Word and Zoom Video. The applicant should also be familiar and comfortable with chairing virtual hearings.
Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate:
• Professional Judgement
• Integrity/Ethics/Values
• Listening/Understanding
• Professional Awareness
• Decision-Making
• Conflict Management
• Strong Mindedness
• Decision-Writing
• Collegiality
All candidates presenting applications must declare themselves as independent and disposed to unbiased decisionmaking. Bilingualism is also an asset.
As governed by the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015, Horse Racing Appeal Panel members will be appointed for up to three years and may be eligible for reappointment, subject to continued eligibility.
Part-time members are eligible to receive $472 per day and reimbursement for eligible expenses. Members may be required to attend hearings in Toronto, although most hearings are virtual in format.
Candidates being considered for appointment must consent to undergo a background check and be asked to submit a Personal and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.
If appointed, members will be subject to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel’s Code of Conduct. Members may also be subject to other statues, regulations, rules or directives that currently exist or may be established which are applicable to the agency and/or panel.
The Horse Racing Appeal Panel will deliver services and decisions in a non-partisan, professional, ethical, and competent manner with a commitment to the principles and values of the public service.
The successful candidate must be eligible to work in Canada and will be subject to a criminal background check.
The AGCO is an inclusive and equal opportunity employer.
The AGCO has the responsibility to lead by example in advancing racial equity and to build a diverse, inclusive, accessible and respectful workplace where every employee has a voice and the opportunity to fully contribute. To this effect, you are encouraged to reflect upon the diversity you would bring to the role within your application including, but not limited to, individuals identifying with one or more of the under-represented groups identified within Ontario’s Human Rights
Disability related accommodation during the recruitment process is available upon request.
La Commission des alcools et des jeux de l’Ontario (CAJO) est chargée de réglementer les secteurs de l’alcool, des jeux,
des courses de chevaux et de la vente au détail privée de cannabis en Ontario, conformément aux principes d’honnêteté et d’intégrité, et dans l’intérêt du public.
En tant que membre à temps partiel du Comité d’appel des courses de chevaux, vous serez chargé de statuer sur les appels concernant les violations des Règles sur les courses sous l’autorité de la Loi de 2015 sur les licences de courses de chevaux.
Un processus de nomination basé sur les compétences sera utilisé pour garantir l’intégrité, l’équité et l’impartialité.
Toutes les nominations seront effectuées dans le cadre d’une procédure concurrentielle et fondée sur le mérite, les critères de nomination étant notamment les suivants :
1. Expérience, connaissance ou formation dans le secteur des courses de chevaux en Ontario.
2. Aptitude à juger en toute impartialité.
3. Aptitude à appliquer des pratiques et des procédures juridictionnelles alternatives qui peuvent être définies dans les règles du tribunal.
Les candidats doivent faire preuve d’un jugement supérieur et d’une compréhension de l’impact des affaires dont ils sont saisis et de leurs décisions d’appel sur l’intégrité du sport et de ses participants en général. Les affaires ont souvent un caractère technique et scientifique impliquant des substances interdites ou des substances améliorant les performances, ce qui fait de la compréhension de ces sujets un atout indéniable. Les candidats ayant des connaissances en pharmacologie, en médecine, en médecine vétérinaire ou des connaissances scientifiques générales constituent un atout indéniable. Une expérience en matière de gouvernance générale, de droit ou d’arbitrage sportif est également souhaitable.
Les candidats doivent également avoir des connaissances informatiques, notamment en ce qui concerne l’utilisation de Word et de Zoom Video. Le candidat doit également être familier et à l’aise avec la présidence d’audiences virtuelles.
Les candidats retenus devront être en mesure de démontrer:
• Jugement professionnel
• Intégrité, éthique et valeurs
• Écoute et compréhension
• Sensibilisation professionnelle
• Prise de décision
• Gestion des conflits
• Force de l’esprit